JR. La Ferita

19.03.2021 - 22.08.2021

Palazzo Strozzi

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One of the world's most famous contemporary artists, JR was asked to reinterpret the façade of a symbol of the Renaissance in Florence with a new work curated by Arturo Galansino (general director, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi), who proposed a reflection on the accessibility of cultural sites in the age of the Covid-19 virus

At 28 metres high and 33 metres wide, the monumental installation became a sort of visual glimpse of the façade of Palazzo Strozzi, opening up to the vision of an interior that was both real and imagined at the same time. Created with a black and white photographic collage typical of the artist's style, the work was constructed as an anamorphosis, an illusionistic game which, when observed from a precise point of view, allowed several environments of Palazzo Strozzi to open up before the eyes, almost as though inside a wound.


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